Adjudicator's Choice - Ballet 8 Years and Under
Dr. J. Sidorov Trophy
Dr. J. Sidorov Scholarship
Willa Turvey
Adjudicator's Choice - Stage 8 Years and Under
Dr. J. Sidorov Trophy
Dr. J. Sidorov Scholarship
Kiki Lan
The Joy of Dance Award
PG Dance Festival Scholarship
Siphesihle Van Dijk
Most Memorable Performance 8 Years and Under
Trophy In Memory of Brooklyn Matson
Rocky Mountain Dance Co
Edreanne Jaliyah Tadiaman
Outstanding Variety Performance - Open Age
Dance Your Hart Out Trophy
Dance Your Hart Out Scholarship
Kendal Hamel
Outstanding Acrobatic Performance - Open Age
Chang Family Trophy
Chang Family Scholarship
Kinley Fenske
Outstanding Lyrical Performance - Open Age
Art in Motion Scholarship
Sydney Harris
Outstanding Hip Hop Performance - Open Age
PG Dance Festival Scholarship
Edan Jairus Tadiaman
Outstanding Song and Dance Performance - Open Age
PG Dance Festival Scholarship
Tyler Meaney
Outstanding Cultural Specific Performance - Open Age
PG Dance Festival Scholarship
Outstanding Tap Performance - Open Age
Thomas Flynn Trophy
PG Dance Festival Scholarship
Clickity Clack - Mya Simmons and Jorja Simmons
Jazz Style & Presentation - Open Age
Krebbs Family Trophy
PG Dance Festival Scholarship
Kyla Main
Outstanding Modern / Contemporary Performance
12 Years and Under
Excalibur Theatre Arts Scholarship
Hannah Hansen
Outstanding Modern / Contemporary Performance
Intermediate / Senior
Excalibur Theatre Arts Trophy
Excalibur Theatre Arts Scholarship
Claire Westerlaken
Most Promising Dancer - 12 Years and Under
Jellison Dance Study Trophy
Performers North Scholarship
Zoey McDonald
Most Promising Dancer - 13 to 18 Years
Performers North Scholarship
Izzie Croot
Outstanding Performance - 19 Years and Over
PG Dance Festival Trophy
Performers North Scholarship
Untitled Contemporary: Alexis MacKenzie & Brianna Godsoe
Outstanding Ballet / Modern Duo Scholarship - Open Age
PG Dance Festival Scholarship
Escalate - Isabella Kossler & Izzie Croot
Outstanding Stage Duo Scholarship - Open Age
Art in Motion Scholarship
You will be Found - Kira MacDougal & Addison Seiler
Innovative Contemporary Soloist - 16 to 18 Years
Method Dance Society Trophy
Method Dance Society Scholarship
Braya Kluss
The Lana McCracken Most Memorable
Costume Award - Open Age
Melissa McCracken Scholarship
Belle - Sienna Seaborn
Most Memorable Performance - Open Age
Kindermann Family Trophy
Kindermann Family Scholarship
Hot - Charley Hogue & Kaydynce Boldt
Adjudicator's Choice Choreography - Modern
Leah Jackson Memorial Trophy
PG Dance Festival Scholarship
Awakened Tides, Giselle Liu
Adjudicator's Choice Choreography - Ballet
PG Dance Festival Scholarship
The Secretary Pool, Judy Russell
Adjudicator's Choice Choreography - Stage
PG Dance Festival Scholarship
Silk Sonic - Cassie Florida
Madeline Kozoris Memorial Award
Dancer's Own Choreography
Tammy Kozoris Scholarship
Hannah Swanson
Outstanding Dance Performance - 13 to 18 Years
Barb Holmes Memorial PG Dance Festival Scholarship
Nolan Robinson
Outstanding Dance Performance - 13 to 18 Years
Dance Your Hart Out Scholarship
Taylor Jackson
Outstanding Dance Performance - 13 to 18 Years
William Kordyban Memorial
Carrier Lumber Scholarship
Jacob Nilsen
Outstanding Dance Performance - 13 to 18 Years
KODE Contracting Scholarship
Caleigh McRae
Outstanding Dance Performance - 13 to 18 Years
KODE Contracting Scholarship
Katie LeBlanc
The Ballet Award - In Celebration of Jennifer White
Valen von den Steinen
Best You Can Be Award
Bunny Murray Memorial Trophy
Russell / Murray Family Scholarship
Jorja Simmons
The Jenna LeRuez Teamwork Award
Jenna leRuez Trophy
Isabella Gibson
The Jenna LeRuez Teamwork Award
Jenna leRuez Trophy
Mia Simons
Outstanding Dance Performance - Senior
Enchainement Dance Centre Scholarship
Elsa Winnig
Outstanding Dance Performance - Senior
Enchainement Dance Centre Scholarship
Hannah Swanson
Overall Dance Excellence - Senior
PG Dance Festival Trophy
PG Dance Festival Scholarship
Emily Jane Photo Session
Keira Anderson - Lyrical